Publications Not Attached to a Project

These publications are before there were projects.


Abuse, A. Commission (Ed.) (2005). Prevention of substance abuse disorders. In Treating and preventing adolescent mental health disorders: What We Know and What We Don't Know. A Research Agenda for Improving the Mental Health of Our Youth (pp. 411-426). New York: Oxford University Press.
Muñoz, E. A., Lillehoj-Goldberg, C., & Vargas-Chanes, D. (2002). Iowa Mexican immigrant families: Negotiating an optimal level of cultural assimilation. In The Illusion of Borders: The National Presence of Mexicanos in the United States (pp. 55-79). Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/​Hunt.
Lutz, G. M., Spoth, R., Crew, B. K., Neppl, T., Fahrney, K., Ramisetty‑Mikler, S., & Roth, K. (1999). Iowa substance abuse prevention needs assessment: Public survey findings. Research Monograph Report to the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention for the Iowa Department of Public Health. Cedar Falls, IA: University of Northern Iowa Center for Social and Behavioral Research.
Kumpfer, K. L., Molgaard, V., & Spoth, R. (1996). The Strengthening Families Program for the prevention of delinquency and drug use. In Preventing Childhood Disorders, Substance Abuse, and Delinquency (pp. 241-267). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Spoth, R., Ramisetty‑Mikler, S., & Goldberg, C. J. (1995). Parent reported risk and protective factors for substance use among Iowa elementary and middle school children. Research Monograph Report to the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention and the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment for the Iowa Department of Public Health. Ames, IA: Iowa State University, Social and Behavioral Research Center for Rural Health.
Spoth, R., Ramisetty‑Mikler, S., & Goldberg, C. J. (1995). Teacher perceptions of risk and protective factors for substance use among Iowa K‑8 school children. Research Monograph Report to the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention and the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment for the Iowa Department of Public Health. Ames, IA: Iowa State University, Social and Behavioral Research Center for Rural Health.
Stubben, J. D. (1995). American Indian alcohol prevention research: A community advocate's perspective. In The Challenge of Participatory Research : Preventing Alcohol-related Problems in Ethnic Communities (CSAP Cultural Competence Series 3) (pp. 259-277). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from;view=1up;seq=5