This is a list of articles, chapters, and commentaries written by PPSI scientists and collaborators from other research institutions.
A controlled parenting skills outcome study examining individual difference and attendance effects. Journal Of Marriage And The Family, 57(2), 449-464.
(1995). Effects of a preventive parent-training intervention on observed family interactions: Proximal outcomes from Preparing for the Drug Free Years. Journal Of Community Psychology, 25(4), 337-352.
(1997). Risk moderation of parent and child outcomes in a preventive intervention: A test and replication. American Journal Of Orthopsychiatry, 68(4), 565-579.
(1998). A universal intervention for the prevention of substance abuse: Preparing for the Drug Free Years. In Drug abuse prevention through family interventions (pp. 130-159). Rockville, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Retrieved from
(1998). Preparing for the Drug Free Years. OJJDP Family Strengthening Series, Juvenile Justice Bulletin, 12 pages. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Retrieved from
(1999). Effects of the "Preparing for the Drug Free Years" curriculum on growth in alcohol use and risk for alcohol use in early adolescence. Prevention Science, 1(3), 125-138.
(2000). (2001).
Preparing for the Drug Free Years: Session-specific effects of a universal parent-training intervention with rural families. Journal Of Drug Education, 31(1), 47-68.
(2001). Reducing adolescents' growth in substance use and delinquency: Randomized trial effects of a parent-training prevention intervention. Prevention Science, 4(3), 203-212.
(2003). Unique influence of mothers and fathers on their children's antisocial behavior. Journal Of Marriage And Family, 66(3), 762-778.
(2004). Influence of a family-focused substance use preventive intervention on growth in adolescent depressive symptoms. Journal Of Research On Adolescence, 17(3), 541-564.
(2007). Dimensions of adolescent alcohol involvement as predictors of young-adult major depression. Journal Of Studies On Alcohol And Drugs, 69(2), 275-285.
(2008). Gender moderation and social developmental mediation of the effect of a family-focused substance use preventive intervention on young adult alcohol abuse. Addictive Behaviors, 34(6-7), 599-605.
(2009). Positive childhood experiences and positive adult functioning: Prosocial continuity and the role of adolescent substance use. Journal Of Adolescent Health, 49(2), 180-186.