This is a list of articles, chapters, and commentaries written by PPSI scientists and collaborators from other research institutions.
Can mindful parenting be observed? Relations between observational ratings of mother-youth interactions and mothers' self-report of mindful parenting. Journal Of Family Psychology, 29(2), 276-282.
(2015). (1994).
Effects of the "Preparing for the Drug Free Years" curriculum on growth in alcohol use and risk for alcohol use in early adolescence. Prevention Science, 1(3), 125-138.
(2000). Effects of the "Preparing for the Drug Free Years" curriculum on growth in alcohol use and risk for alcohol use in early adolescence. Prevention Science, 1(3), 125-138.
(2000). Family-centered preventive intervention science: Toward benefits to larger populations of children, youth, and families. Prevention Science, 3(3), 145-152.
(2002). Sociodemographic factors and parent beliefs relevant to the prevention of adolescent behavior problems. Family Perspective, 27(3), 285-303.
(1993). Substance use prevention: An Iowa Mexican im/migrant family perspective. In Cocktails and Dreams: Perspectives on Drug and Alcohol Use (pp. 341-355). NJ: Prentice Hall.
(2004). Universal family-focused interventions in alcohol-use disorder prevention: Cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analyses of two interventions. Journal Of Studies On Alcohol, 63(2), 219-228.