This is a list of articles, chapters, and commentaries written by PPSI scientists and collaborators from other research institutions.
The trajectory of coparenting relationship quality across early adolescence: Family, community, and parent gender influences. Journal Of Family Psychology, 32(5), 599-609. Retrieved from
(2018). (2018).
Thriving in school: The role of sixth grade adolescent-parent-school relationships in predicting eighth-grade academic outcomes. Youth & Society, 48(6), 739-762.
(2016). Trajectories of adolescent hostile-aggressive behavior and family climate: Longitudinal implications for young adult romantic relationship competence. Developmental Psychology, 52(7), 1139-1150.
(2016). The timing of school transitions and early adolescent problem behavior. Journal Of Early Adolescence, 33(6), 821-844.
(2013). Team factors that predict to sustainability indicators for community-based prevention teams. Evaluation And Program Planning, 34(3), 283-291.
(2011). Thrill seeking and religiosity in relation to adolescent substance use: Tests of joint, interactive, and indirect influences. Psychology Of Addictive Behaviors, 25(4), 683-696.
(2011). Translating family-focused prevention science into public health impact: Illustrations from partnership-based research. Alcohol Research And Health, 34(2), 188-203. Retrieved from
(2011). Translating family-focused prevention science into effective practice: Toward a translational impact paradigm. Current Directions In Psychological Science, 17(6), 415-421.
(2008). A test of three alternative hypotheses regarding the effects of early delinquency on adolescent psychosocial functioning and substance involvement. Journal Of Abnormal Child Psychology, 35(5), 831-843.
(2007). Toward dissemination of evidence-based family interventions: Maintenance of community-based partnership recruitment results and associated factors. Journal Of Family Psychology, 21(2), 137-146.
(2007). Toward a comprehensive strategy for effective practitioner-scientist partnerships and larger-scale community health and well-being. American Journal Of Community Psychology, 35(3/4), 107-126.
(2005). Two studies of proximal outcomes and implementation quality of universal preventive interventions in a community-university collaboration context. Journal Of Community Psychology, 30(5), 499-518.
(2002). A theory-based parent competency model incorporating intervention attendance effects. Family Relations, 45(2), 139-147.
(1996). Teacher perceptions of risk and protective factors for substance use among Iowa K‑8 school children. Research Monograph Report to the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention and the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment for the Iowa Department of Public Health. Ames, IA: Iowa State University, Social and Behavioral Research Center for Rural Health.