This is a list of articles, chapters, and commentaries written by PPSI scientists and collaborators from other research institutions.
First Author Title Type [ Year]
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Parent motivation to enroll in parenting skills programs: A model of family context and health belief predictors. Journal Of Family Psychology, 9(3), 294-310.
(1995). Parent reported risk and protective factors for substance use among Iowa elementary and middle school children. Research Monograph Report to the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention and the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment for the Iowa Department of Public Health. Ames, IA: Iowa State University, Social and Behavioral Research Center for Rural Health.
(1995). Protective factors and young adolescent tendency to abstain from alcohol use: A model using two waves of intervention study data. American Journal Of Community Psychology, 24(6), 749-770.
(1996). A prospective validation study of inclination, belief, and context predictors of family-focused prevention involvement. Family Process, 36(4), 403-429.
(1997). Project Family: A partnership integrating research with the practice of promoting family and youth competencies. In Serving Children and Families Through Community-University Partnerships: Success Stories (Vol. 1, pp. 127-137). New York: Springer Science & Business Media .
(1999). A protective process model of parent-child affective quality and child mastery effects on oppositional behaviors: A test and replication. Journal Of School Psychology, 37(1), 49-71.
(1999). Preparing for the Drug Free Years: Session-specific effects of a universal parent-training intervention with rural families. Journal Of Drug Education, 31(1), 47-68.
(2001). Project Family prevention trials based in community-university partnerships: Toward scaled-up preventive interventions. Prevention Science, 3(3), 203-221.
(2002). Predicting smoking among rural adolescents: Social and cognitive processes. Nicotine And Tobacco Research, 5(4), 485-491.
(2003). Program provider and observer ratings of school-based preventive intervention implementation: Agreement and relation to youth outcomes. Health Education And Behavior, 31(2), 242-257. Retrieved from
(2004). (2004).
PROSPER study of evidence-based intervention implementation quality by community-university partnerships. Journal Of Community Psychology, 35(8), 981-999.
(2007). Preventive interventions addressing underage drinking: State of the evidence and steps toward public health impact. Pediatrics, 121(Supplement 4), S311-S336.
(2008). Positive childhood experiences and positive adult functioning: Prosocial continuity and the role of adolescent substance use. Journal Of Adolescent Health, 49(2), 180-186.
(2011). Preventing substance misuse through community-university partnerships: Randomized controlled trial outcomes 4½ years past baseline. American Journal Of Preventive Medicine, 40(4), 440-447.
(2011). Parent and child characteristics related to chosen adolescent alcohol and drug prevention program. Health Education Research, 27(1), 1-13.
(2012). (2013).
Popularity as a predictor of early alcohol use and moderator of other risk processes. Journal Of Studies On Alcohol And Drugs, 75(6), 919-928.
(2014). PROSPER partnership delivery system: Effects on adolescent conduct problem behavior outcomes through 6.5 years past baseline. Journal Of Adolescence, 45, 44-55.
(2015). The partnership-based PROSPER delivery system and implementation of the Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14. In Family-Centered Prevention Programs for Children and Adolescents: Theory, Research, and Large-Scale Dissemination (pp. 160-185). NY: Psychology Press.
(2016). Pathways to sustainability: 8-year follow-up from the PROSPER project. The Journal Of Primary Prevention, 37(3), 263-286.
(2016). The power of a collaborative relationship between technical assistance providers and community prevention teams: A correlational and longitudinal study. Evaluation And Program Planning, 54, 19-29.
(2016). PROSPER delivery of universal preventive interventions with young adolescents: Long-term effects on emerging adult substance misuse and associated risk behaviors. Psychological Medicine, 47(13), 2246-2259.
(2017). PROSPER intervention effects on adolescents' alcohol misuse vary by GABRA2. Prevention Science, 19(1), 15-16.