This is a list of articles, chapters, and commentaries written by PPSI scientists and collaborators from other research institutions.
Resource consumption of a diffusion model for prevention programs: The PROSPER delivery system. Journal Of Adolescent Health, 50(3), 256-263.
(2012). Predicting alcohol use across adolescence: Relative strength of individual, family, peer, and contextual risk and protective factors. Psychology Of Addictive Behaviors, 26(4), 703-713.
(2012). A multidomain approach to understanding risk for underage drinking: Converging evidence from 5 data sets. American Journal Of Public Health, 102(11), 2080-2087.
(2012). The community epidemiology of underage drinking: Variation across communities in relations of risk to alcohol use. Prevention Science, 13(6), 551-561.
(2012). (2014).