
This is a list of articles, chapters, and commentaries written by PPSI scientists and collaborators from other research institutions.

First Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Filters: Author is Molgaard, Virginia  [Clear All Filters]
Journal Article
Molgaard, V., & Spoth, R. (2001). The Strengthening Families Program for young adolescents: Overview and outcomes. Residential Treatment For Children And Youth, 18(3), 15-29.
Book Chapter
Kumpfer, K. L., Molgaard, V., & Spoth, R. (1996). The Strengthening Families Program for the prevention of delinquency and drug use. In Preventing Childhood Disorders, Substance Abuse, and Delinquency (pp. 241-267). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Spoth, R., & Molgaard, V. (1999). Project Family: A partnership integrating research with the practice of promoting family and youth competencies. In Serving Children and Families Through Community-University Partnerships: Success Stories (Vol. 1, pp. 127-137). New York: Springer Science & Business Media .
Molgaard, V., Spoth, R., & Redmond, C. (2000). Competency Training: The Strengthening Families Program for Parents and Youth 10‑14. OJJDP Family Strengthening Series, Juvenile Justice Bulletin, 11 pages. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Retrieved from