This is a list of articles, chapters, and commentaries written by PPSI scientists and collaborators from other research institutions.
First Author Title [ Type
] Year

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PROSPER partnership delivery system: Effects on adolescent conduct problem behavior outcomes through 6.5 years past baseline. Journal Of Adolescence, 45, 44-55.
(2015). PROSPER intervention effects on adolescents' alcohol misuse vary by GABRA2. Prevention Science, 19(1), 15-16.
(2018). PROSPER delivery of universal preventive interventions with young adolescents: Long-term effects on emerging adult substance misuse and associated risk behaviors. Psychological Medicine, 47(13), 2246-2259.
(2017). (2013).
Preventing substance misuse through community-university partnerships: Randomized controlled trial outcomes 4½ years past baseline. American Journal Of Preventive Medicine, 40(4), 440-447.
(2011). Predicting alcohol use across adolescence: Relative strength of individual, family, peer, and contextual risk and protective factors. Psychology Of Addictive Behaviors, 26(4), 703-713.
(2012). The power of a collaborative relationship between technical assistance providers and community prevention teams: A correlational and longitudinal study. Evaluation And Program Planning, 54, 19-29.
(2016). (2011).
Personality and community prevention teams: Dimensions of team leader and member personality predicting team functioning. Evaluation And Program Planning, 31(4), 403-409.
(2008). Peers and the emergence of alcohol use: Influence and selection processes in adolescent friendship networks. Journal Of Research On Adolescence, 23(3), 500-512.
(2013). Parental perceived control and social support: Linkages to change in parenting behaviors during early adolescence. Family Process, 57(2), 432-447. Retrieved from
(2018). The partnership-based PROSPER delivery system and implementation of the Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14. In Family-Centered Prevention Programs for Children and Adolescents: Theory, Research, and Large-Scale Dissemination (pp. 160-185). NY: Psychology Press.