This is a list of articles, chapters, and commentaries written by PPSI scientists and collaborators from other research institutions.
First Author Title [ Type
] Year

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Iowa substance abuse prevention needs assessment: Public survey findings. Research Monograph Report to the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention for the Iowa Department of Public Health. Cedar Falls, IA: University of Northern Iowa Center for Social and Behavioral Research.
(1999). Illustrating a framework for rural prevention research: Project Family studies of rural family participation and outcomes. In Preventing Childhood Disorders, Substance Abuse, and Delinquency (pp. 299-328). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
(1996). Identifying program preferences through conjoint analysis: Illustrative results from a parent sample. American Journal Of Health Promotion, 8(2), 124-133.
(1993). Illustration of a market segmentation technique using family-focused prevention program preference data. Health Education Research, 11(2), 259-267.
(1996). Impact challenges in community science-with-practice: Lessons from PROSPER on transformative practitioner-scientist partnerships and prevention infrastructure development. American Journal Of Community Psychology, 48(1-2), 106-119.
(2011). The impact of a prevention delivery system on perceived social capital: The PROSPER project. Prevention Science, 15(2), 125-137.
(2014). Implementation of adolescent family-based substance use prevention programs in health care settings: Comparisons across conditions and programs. Health Education Journal, 71(1), 53-61.
(2012). (2008).
Increasing School Success Through Partnership-Based Family Competency Training: Experimental Study of Long-Term Outcomes. School Psychology Quarterly, 23(1), 70-89.
(2008). Influence of a family-focused substance use preventive intervention on growth in adolescent depressive symptoms. Journal Of Research On Adolescence, 17(3), 541-564.
(2007). The interaction of conduct problems and depressed mood in relation to adolescent substance involvement and peer substance use. Drug And Alcohol Dependence, 96(3), 233-248.
(2008). Internalizing, social competence, and substance initiation: Influence of gender moderation and a preventive intervention. Subst Use Misuse, 39(6), 963-991.
(2004). Internalizing symptoms: Effects of a preventive intervention on developmental pathways from early adolescence to young adulthood. Journal Of Youth And Adolescence, 41(6), 788-801.
(2012). Implementing universal competency-training interventions with rural families of young adolescents. Unpublished manuscript.