This is a list of articles, chapters, and commentaries written by PPSI scientists and collaborators from other research institutions.
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Substance-use outcomes at 18 months past baseline: The PROSPER community-university partnership trial. American Journal Of Preventive Medicine, 32(5), 395-402.
(2007). Six-year sustainability of evidence-based intervention implementation quality by community-university partnerships: The PROSPER study. American Journal Of Community Psychology, 48(3-4), 412-425.
(2011). Strengthening prevention program theories and evaluations: Contributions from social network analysis. Prevention Science, 12(4), 349-360.
(2011). Social networks and the diffusion of adolescent problem behavior: Reliable estimates of selection and influence from sixth through ninth grades. Prevention Science, 16(6), 832-843.
(2015). Social network implications of normative school transitions in non-urban school districts. Youth And Society, 50(4), 462-484.
(2018). Sources of bias in Gorman critique of bias: again a need for more reasonable, valid conclusions with true dialogue. Psychological Medicine, 48(04), 697-700. Retrieved from