This is a list of articles, chapters, and commentaries written by PPSI scientists and collaborators from other research institutions.
School- and family-level income effects in a randomized controlled prevention trial: A multilevel analysis. In Family Support as Reflective Practice (pp. 250-265). London: Jessica Kingsley.
(2006). Benefits of universal intervention effects on a youth protective shield 10 years after baseline. Journal Of Adolescent Health, 50(4), 414-417.
(2012). Economic analysis of methamphetamine prevention effects and employer costs. Journal Of Studies On Alcohol And Drugs, 72(4), 577-585.
(2011). The effects of incentives and research requirements on participation rates for a community-based preventive intervention research study. The Journal Of Primary Prevention, 24(1), 25-41.
(2003). Exploratory study of a preventive intervention with general population African American families. Journal Of Early Adolescence, 23(4), 435-468.
(2003). Family-focused preventive interventions: Evaluating parental risk moderation of substance use trajectories. Journal Of Family Psychology, 18(2), 293-301.
(2004). The mediation of mothers' self-fulfilling effects on their children's alcohol use: Self-verification, informational conformity, and modeling processes. Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, 95(2), 369-384.
(2008). Popularity as a predictor of early alcohol use and moderator of other risk processes. Journal Of Studies On Alcohol And Drugs, 75(6), 919-928.
(2014). PROSPER study of evidence-based intervention implementation quality by community-university partnerships. Journal Of Community Psychology, 35(8), 981-999.
(2007). The role of the self-fulfilling prophecy in young adolescents' responsiveness to a substance use prevention program. Journal Of Applied Social Psychology, 43(9), 1784-1798.
(2013). Self-efficacy as a moderator of negative and positive self-fulfilling prophecy effects: Mothers' beliefs and children's alcohol use. European Journal Of Social Psychology, 38(3), 499-520.
(2008). The self-fulfilling influence of mother expectations on children's underage drinking. Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, 84(6), 1188-1205.
(2003). Self-fulfilling prophecies: The synergistic accumulative effect of parents' beliefs on children's drinking behavior. Psychological Science, 15(12), 837-845.
(2004). The self-fulfilling prophecy as an intrafamily dynamic. Journal Of Family Psychology, 18(3), 459-469.
(2004). Self-fulfilling prophecy effects of mothers' beliefs on children's alcohol use: Accumulation, dissipation, and stability over time. Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, 90(6), 911-926.
(2006). Self-verification as a mediator of mothers' self-fulfilling effects on adolescents' educational attainment. Personality And Social Psychology Bulletin, 37(5), 587-600.
(2011). Six-year sustainability of evidence-based intervention implementation quality by community-university partnerships: The PROSPER study. American Journal Of Community Psychology, 48(3-4), 412-425.
(2011). Substance misuse prevention and economic analysis: Challenges and opportunities regarding international utility. Substance Use And Misuse, 47(8/9), 877-888.
(2012). Two studies of proximal outcomes and implementation quality of universal preventive interventions in a community-university collaboration context. Journal Of Community Psychology, 30(5), 499-518.
(2002). Universal family-focused interventions in alcohol-use disorder prevention: Cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analyses of two interventions. Journal Of Studies On Alcohol, 63(2), 219-228.
(2002). Universal intervention as a protective shield against exposure to substance use: Long-term outcomes and public health significance. American Journal Of Public Health, 99(11), 2026-2033.
(2009). Universal intervention effects on substance use among young adults mediated by delayed adolescent substance initiation. Journal Of Consulting And Clinical Psychology, 77(4), 620-632.
(2009). (2006).