This is a list of articles, chapters, and commentaries written by PPSI scientists and collaborators from other research institutions.
Survey of prevention-relevant beliefs and efforts to enhance parenting skills among rural parents. The Journal Of Rural Health, 9(3), 227-239.
(1993). The family context of adolescent vulnerability and resilience to alcohol use and abuse. Sociological Studies Of Children, 6, 55-86.
(1994). The family context of adolescent vulnerability and resilience to alcohol use and abuse. Sociological Studies Of Children, 6, 55-86.
(1994). Interaction style, problem-solving behavior, and family problem-solving effectiveness. Child Development, 66(1), 98-115.
(1995). The social context of substance abuse: A developmental perspective. In Rural Substance Abuse: State of Knowledge and Issues. NIDA Research Monograph 168 (pp. 6-36). Rockville, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Retrieved from
(1997). A universal intervention for the prevention of substance abuse: Preparing for the Drug Free Years. In Drug abuse prevention through family interventions (pp. 130-159). Rockville, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Retrieved from
(1998). Assessing the benefits of a parenting skills training program: A theoretical approach to predicting direct and moderating effects. Family Relations, 48(1), 67-77.
(1999). Iowa substance abuse prevention needs assessment: Public survey findings. Research Monograph Report to the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention for the Iowa Department of Public Health. Cedar Falls, IA: University of Northern Iowa Center for Social and Behavioral Research.
(1999). Preparing for the Drug Free Years. OJJDP Family Strengthening Series, Juvenile Justice Bulletin, 12 pages. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Retrieved from
(1999). Evaluation of a social contextual model of delinquency: A cross-study replication. Child Development, 73(1), 175-195.
(2002). Exploratory study of a preventive intervention with general population African American families. Journal Of Early Adolescence, 23(4), 435-468.
(2003). The self-fulfilling influence of mother expectations on children's underage drinking. Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, 84(6), 1188-1205.
(2003). Family-focused preventive interventions: Evaluating parental risk moderation of substance use trajectories. Journal Of Family Psychology, 18(2), 293-301.
(2004). The Strong African American Families Program: Translating research into prevention programming. Child Development, 75(3), 900-917.
(2004). Long-term effects of universal preventive interventions on methamphetamine use among adolescents. Archives Of Pediatrics And Adolescent Medicine, 160(9), 876-882.
(2006). The Strong African American Families Program: Prevention of youths' high-risk behavior and a test of a model of change. Journal Of Family Psychology, 20(1), 1-11.
(2006). Community and team member factors that influence the operations phase of local prevention teams: The PROSPER project. Prevention Science, 8(3), 214-226.
(2007). Community readiness as a multidimensional construct. Journal Of Community Psychology, 35(3), 347-365.
(2007). Substance-use outcomes at 18 months past baseline: The PROSPER community-university partnership trial. American Journal Of Preventive Medicine, 32(5), 395-402.
(2007). Toward dissemination of evidence-based family interventions: Maintenance of community-based partnership recruitment results and associated factors. Journal Of Family Psychology, 21(2), 137-146.
(2007). The importance of the community context in the epidemiology of early adolescent substance use and delinquency in a rural sample. American Journal Of Community Psychology, 44(3-4), 287-301.
(2009). The Community Substance Use Environment: The Development and Predictive Ability of a Multi-method and Multiple-reporter Measure. Journal Of Community And Applied Social Psychology, 20(1), 57-71.
(2010). Economic analysis of methamphetamine prevention effects and employer costs. Journal Of Studies On Alcohol And Drugs, 72(4), 577-585.
(2011). From the macro to the micro: A geographic examination of the community context and early adolescent problem behaviors. American Journal Of Community Psychology, 48(3-4), 352-364.
(2011). Preventing substance misuse through community-university partnerships: Randomized controlled trial outcomes 4½ years past baseline. American Journal Of Preventive Medicine, 40(4), 440-447.
(2011). Team factors that predict to sustainability indicators for community-based prevention teams. Evaluation And Program Planning, 34(3), 283-291.
(2011). The community epidemiology of underage drinking: Variation across communities in relations of risk to alcohol use. Prevention Science, 13(6), 551-561.
(2012). Do peers' parents matter? A new link between positive parenting and adolescent substance use. Journal Of Studies On Alcohol And Drugs, 73(3), 423-433.
(2012). (2012).
A multidomain approach to understanding risk for underage drinking: Converging evidence from 5 data sets. American Journal Of Public Health, 102(11), 2080-2087.
(2012). A multidomain approach to understanding risk for underage drinking: Converging evidence from 5 data sets. American Journal Of Public Health, 102(11), 2080-2087.
(2012). Predicting alcohol use across adolescence: Relative strength of individual, family, peer, and contextual risk and protective factors. Psychology Of Addictive Behaviors, 26(4), 703-713.
(2012). Resource consumption of a diffusion model for prevention programs: The PROSPER delivery system. Journal Of Adolescent Health, 50(3), 256-263.
(2012). Substance misuse prevention and economic analysis: Challenges and opportunities regarding international utility. Substance Use And Misuse, 47(8/9), 877-888.
(2012). (2013).
Parental knowledge and youth risky behavior: A person oriented approach. Journal Of Youth And Adolescence, 42(11), 1732-1744.
(2013). (2014).
Evaluating the impact of implementation factors on family-based prevention programming: Methods for strengthening causal inference. Prevention Science, 15(2), 246-255.
(2014). Evaluating the impact of implementation factors on family-based prevention programming: Methods for strengthening causal inference. Prevention Science, 15(2), 246-255.
(2014). The impact of a prevention delivery system on perceived social capital: The PROSPER project. Prevention Science, 15(2), 125-137.
(2014). Investigating the potential causal relationship between parental knowledge and youth risky behavior: A propensity score analysis. Prevention Science, 15(6), 869-878.
(2014). (2014).
Universal family-focused intervention with young adolescents: effects on health-risking sexual behaviors and STDs among young adults. Prevention Science, 15(Supplement 1), S47-S58.
(2014). Youths' substance use and changes in parental knowledge-related behaviors during middle school: A person-oriented approach. Journal Of Youth And Adolescence, 43(5), 729-744.
(2014). Can mindful parenting be observed? Relations between observational ratings of mother-youth interactions and mothers' self-report of mindful parenting. Journal Of Family Psychology, 29(2), 276-282.
(2015). The conditioning of intervention effects on early adolescent alcohol use by maternal involvement and dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) and serotonin transporter linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) genetic variants. Development And Psychopathology, 27(Special Issue 01), 51-67.
(2015). Developmental differences in early adolescent aggression: A gene × environment × intervention analysis. Journal Of Youth And Adolescence, 44(3), 581-597.
(2015). Differential susceptibility: The genetic moderation of peer pressure on alcohol use. Journal Of Youth And Adolescence, 44(10), 1841-1853. Retrieved from
(2015). Interparental relationship sensitivity leads to adolescent internalizing problems: Different genotypes, different pathways. Journal Of Marriage And Family, 77(2), 329-343.
(2015). A multi-level examination of how the organizational context relates to readiness to implement prevention and evidence-based programming in community settings. Evaluation And Program Planning, 48, 63-74.
(2015). Understanding the link between social organization and crime in rural communities. Journal Of Rural And Community Development, 10(1), 109-127. Retrieved from
(2015). An adolescent substance prevention model blocks the effect of CHRNA5 genotype on smoking during high school. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 18(2), 212-220.
(2016). Pathways to sustainability: 8-year follow-up from the PROSPER project. The Journal Of Primary Prevention, 37(3), 263-286.
(2016). The power of a collaborative relationship between technical assistance providers and community prevention teams: A correlational and longitudinal study. Evaluation And Program Planning, 54, 19-29.
(2016). The power of a collaborative relationship between technical assistance providers and community prevention teams: A correlational and longitudinal study. Evaluation And Program Planning, 54, 19-29.
(2016). Thriving in school: The role of sixth grade adolescent-parent-school relationships in predicting eighth-grade academic outcomes. Youth & Society, 48(6), 739-762.
(2016). Universal prevention exposure as a moderator of the community context: Findings from the PROSPER project. American Journal Of Community Psychology, 57(1-2), 8-19.
(2016). Dynamic associations of network isolation and smoking behavior. Network Science, 5(3 (Network and Health), 257-277.
(2017). Extending previous cG×I findings on 5-HTTLPR's moderation of intervention effects on adolescent substance misuse initiation. Child Development, 88(6), 2001-2012. Retrieved from
(2017). Gender moderation of the intergenerational transmission and stability of depressive symptoms from early adolescence to early adulthood. Journal Of Youth And Adolescence, 46(1), 248-260.
(2017). Associations between alcohol dehydrogenase genes and alcohol use across early and middle adolescence: Moderation × Preventive interventionAbstract. Development And Psychopathology, 30(01), 297-313. Retrieved from
(2018). Different kinds of lonely: Dimensions of isolation and substance use in adolescence. Journal Of Youth And Adolescence, 47(8), 1755-1770. Retrieved from
(2018). Examining the highs and lows of the collaborative relationship between technical assistance providers and prevention implementers. Prevention Science, 19(2), 250-259. Retrieved from
(2018). Falling behind: Lingering costs of the high school transition for youth friendships and grades. Sociology Of Education, 91(2), 159-182. Retrieved from
(2018). PROSPER intervention effects on adolescents' alcohol misuse vary by GABRA2. Prevention Science, 19(1), 15-16.
(2018). (2018).