This is a list of articles, chapters, and commentaries written by PPSI scientists and collaborators from other research institutions.
Social networks and the diffusion of adolescent problem behavior: Reliable estimates of selection and influence from sixth through ninth grades. Prevention Science, 16(6), 832-843.
(2015). Friends as a bridge to parental influence: Implications for adolescent alcohol use. Social Forces, 92(3), 1061-1085.
(2014). Revisiting “What they think”: Adolescent drinking and the importance of peer beliefs. Criminology, 52(3), 488-513.
(2014). Effects of PROSPER on the influence potential of prosocial versus antisocial youth in adolescent friendship networks. Journal Of Adolescent Health, 53(2), 174-179.
(2013). Peers and the emergence of alcohol use: Influence and selection processes in adolescent friendship networks. Journal Of Research On Adolescence, 23(3), 500-512.